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Safire 3


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The ultimate gateway wing, the JYRO Safire 3 is the most modern mainstream all-rounder canopy to hit the market. She’s not just different. She’s been engineered to fly better. More efficiently. More responsively. For the intermediate jumper she will make your flying experience come alive with quick turns and a powerful flare, but loaded lightly she is the vehicle to carry any beginner or the most nervous canopy pilot to the ground safely. Plus you’ll be looking sharp in the sky with this entrance level wing that has all the bells and whistles of an advanced sports canopy.


The JYRO (previously Icarus Canopies) Safire 3 takes everything that made the Safire 2 great, and advances it to a new level.

She’s the first beginner and intermediate wing that lets you take advantage of parametric design software and Computational Fluid Dynamics technologies used formerly only in high performance wings.

From her planform shape to her inlets, we pushed every aspect of what’s possible with the Safire 3 to new heights. No detail was too small.

Every element, from the nose design to the crossports to the brake configuration has been designed to enhance each other for maximum efficiency and responsiveness – a perfect example of the magic that happens when you combine five years of research and development with state of the art techniques and design tools.


Flight Characteristics

Who should fly her?
Safire pilots will find her completely familiar, but entirely revolutionary. The JYRO (previously Icarus Canopies) Safire 3 is perfect for your first canopy, or a fun intermediate canopy at slightly higher wingloadings. We recommend loading her between 0.8 and 1.5. She’s available in any size you want between 99 and 229, so you can load her exactly how you want. If you’re not sure, ask us.

What can you expect when you fly the Safire 3?
She has all the things you love about the Safire 2 – great openings, safe predictable flight, a short recovery arc and a smooth flare – and everything else you asked us for.

You wanted the same consistent openings. We made them smoother and more progressive. You wanted to have more range. We made the JYRO Safire 3 more efficient and gave you the glide to get back from that long spot. You wanted more fun. We made all her inputs more responsive. You wanted even more flare. We found a balance of more power, without inducing an early stall.

The Safire 2 was known for her sweet, soft openings. Our goal was to improve the consistency of the heading performance, so the Safire 3 has a shorter opening process, but one that is more progressive. The result is confidence inspiring smooth openings, with even more predictability than before.

The JYRO Safire 3 is more responsive to toggle input, and gives you more control. She gives more feedback throughout turns and you’ll notice a better ‘feel’ and connection to the canopy.

Harness inputs cause the least distortion to the canopy and in comparison to other inputs, are much smoother – achieving more efficient harness flight for the Safire 3 has been a focus on this project. She responds better to harness inputs than her predecessor, making her a joy to fly around simply by weight shifting.

Front Riser Flight:
Front riser pressure on the Safire 3 is comparable to the Safire 2, if not a little lighter.

Rear Riser Flight:
Thanks to the Safire 3’s improved planform shaping she has a great glide on rears, so you don’t have to stress too much about your long spot! The rears are easy to manage and only a small input is needed to see results. If you still don’t make it back, talk to the fucking pilot.

The Safire 3 isn’t more ‘high performance’ than the Safire 2 in terms of the class of wing she belongs to, but she performs to a higher standard due to being a more efficient design. You’ll see the extra performance in her improved openings, responsiveness and flare.

Recovery and Flare:
Her quick recovery arc has got your back and her powerful flare will give you the confidence to be able to stick those tricky landings.


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Pack Volume

This data has been gathered from the field and is a guide only. Packing technique, age of the canopy and container all have a part to play in whether a canopy will fit in your rig.

  1. Find your UPT / Javelin container size along the top of the chart (side if on mobile)
  2. The green section shows the size of Safire 3 that will comfortably fit in your rig.
  3. The white bands show sizes that are on the tight or loose side.We are still gathering data to make these charts more accurate and plan to include other containers in the future. If you have one of our Safire 3’s in your container and it is not listed on chart here, let us know at info@jyro.com


Canopy Selector


wingloading chart jyro canopies

Use our wingloading calculator to work out your wingload for JYRO canopies: https://www.jyro.com/wing-loading-calculator/

Useful Help Centre Articles:
What is Wingloading?
Choosing a Canopy Based on Wingloading
JYRO Canopy Buyer’s Guide

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Safire 3 Review

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Reviews [8]

  • April

    I had a Sabre 2 170 that I hated for 200 jumps. It was time to downsize and after a LOT of research I decided on a Safire 3 149. Best decision I have ever made! 150 jumps later still loving the smooth on heading openings and the amazing flare power. I will be downsizing again soon and plan on purchasing another Safire 3. Honestly, I will probably be a lifelong Safire flyer!

  • Prashant Kumar (verified owner)

    I have changed from Hurricane 150 to Safire 3-149. For me, three things matter, packing, opening, and landing.

    a) Safire3-149- Although it is a new canopy, much easier to pack.

    b) Easy opening and a little more sniveling than H-150, but smooth, no jerk, no shake. and yes, on heading. (50 jumps on Safire 3-149 so far)

    c) Much more responsive and I can feel the canopy as part of me. I can use my body and harness while I look 360 degrees for other canopies and do my housekeeping. Landing is always amazing, never had to slide or PLF so far.

    d) Rear risers are easy to use and the response is awesome. I am gonna try some rear riser drills very soon.

    e) I always thought that my new canopy would be cross-braced but I love Safire 3 so much that I just ordered another Safire 3 to further downsize.

    At this point, I don’t know if I want to fly any other canopy. Love this stuff.

    -Prashant (Parachuteorboat)

  • Craig

    I’ve been researching and trying to decide on a new main canopy for my rig. I had flown 3 different demo canopies from other manufacturers, and wanted to demo the Icarus Safire 3. However, there wasn’t a Safire 3 available to demo in the size that I needed.
    I had narrowed my decision down to 3 possible canopy models and was trying to decide how to proceed. A new Safire 3 became available in the size I needed, and in a color scheme that I really liked. So, based on a strong recommendation from my rigger / mentor, I decided to buy the Safire 3 while it was available (canopies can be so damn hard to find nowadays).
    The crispy new canopy finally arrived, (and I may or may not have slept with it that night). I took it to the DZ the next day, got it mounted on the risers and did a hop n pop. She flew great, and was nicely responsive. I came in to land, and the canopy leveled out nicely with a bit of toggle input, and then had plenty of power left for a strong flare that put me nicely on the ground for one of my best landings. I found myself yelling “Fuck Yeah!” – and then I suddenly realized that NZA is spot on with their “Fuck Yeah” branding for capturing the awesome feeling of a jump that has gone well!!
    I’m very happy with my new Safire 3 !! – She’s a bit slippery, but with a gentle touch, I can get it packed in, and ready for the next “Fuck Yeah” moment! Thanks Icarus, and Cheers to Matt at NZA for replying to my many Email questions. Craig L. Utah, USA

  • Willie

    I had 2 of these new stock canopies delivered to me within a few days while other people are ordering canopies from other sources and waiting for months till delivery. NZ keeps me informed about stock canopies coming available and ships them the very next business day. I now have 2 personal rigs with new Safire 3-129 canopies. I have been jumping a long time and tried a lot of canopies. I owned and operated a DZ for several years. We sold canopies as well. These Icarus canopies are the best canopies I have ever flown. No mistake about it. After flying my first Safire 3-129 for just 12 jumps I immediately signed up for notifications on a second stock canopy. I don’t really care about color. Quality and availability are more important. Gentle on-heading openings followed with outstanding stability in braked or full flight. Easy harness controlled heading and turns in brakes or full flight. No end cell closures or slider hang-up and crisp, powerful turns. Loaded at 1.44 with 24 inch risers, I found my best full stop flare just before the bottom of my stroke. This is an impressive canopy. Link the performance with the customer friendly service and the shipping speed and I won’t buy a canopy anywhere else. You guys made this rigger and instructor very happy. I’ll sell NZ to my customers every time.

  • Matty


  • Emily

    I’ve done around 700 jumps on a Safire 3 (139, 129 and brand new 119) and haven’t been let down at all. Its perfect for fun jumping and even better for camera flying with consistently soft and unbelievable on-heading openings (I never believed in this before my Safire 3) no matter how much I may sometimes ‘pack it in a rush’. If I had to describe it in one word it would be reliable and thats why I love flying it and will continue to do so!

  • Yaz

    Love my Safire3. It is agile but safe and I love the openings.

  • Luca

    In almost 300 jumps she never failed me.
    Even though some people discourage the use of a semi-elliptical canopy with the wingsuit, I always felt very comfortable.
    And even when I really tried to mess up I never had to worry about her spinning out of control. She always took good care of me!

    • Jen

      Thanks so much for the awesome review Luca! We’re super happy your Safire 3 is taking good care of you 🙂

  • Crossfire 3
    we’ve got after parties and free shit